网络空间安全学院 副教授 李秀娟

发布时间:2024-06-24文章来源: 浏览次数:





科研成果:主持山东省自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家教育部重点实验室开放课题1项,参与国家级和省部级项目3项,获得省级学术奖励多项,发表学术论文20余篇。近5年来,在Astrophysical Journal、Astrophysical Journal Supplement、Astronomy & Astrophysics、Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society等国际顶级期刊发表SCI论文近20篇,其中以第一作者及通信作者发表SCI二区Top及以上论文7篇。代表性论著: [1] Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Huang, Yong-Feng, Xu, Fan. Multiwavelength Analysis of the Supernova-associated Low-luminosity GRB 171205A. ApJ, 2024, 962(2):117. (JCR二区, Top)

[2] Xiao, Shuo, Zhang, Shuang-Nan, Xiong, Shao-Lin,Wang, Ping, Li, Xiu-Juan, Dong, Ai-Jun, Zhi, Qi-Jun, Li, Di. The self-organized criticality behaviours of two new parameters in SGR J1935+2154. MNRAS, 2024, 528(2):1388-1392. (JCR二区, Top)

[3] Li, Xiu-Juan, Yang, Yu-Peng, Signatures of the Self-organized Criticality Phenomenon in Precursors of Gamma-Ray Bursts. ApJL, 2023, 955(2):L34. (JCR一区, Top)

[4] Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Wen-Long, Yi, Shuang-Xi, Yang, Yu-Peng. Li, Jia-Lun, Evidence for self-organized criticality phenomena in prompt phase of short gamma-ray bursts. ApJS, 2023, 265(2):56. (JCR一区, Top)

[5] Yang, Yu-Peng, Li, Xiu-Juan, Li Gang, Influence of the deviation of the matter power spectrum at small scales on the global 21-cm signal at cosmic dawn. PRD, 2023, 107(10): 103501. (JCR二区, Top)

[6] Yang, Yu-Peng, Li, Xiu-Juan, Li Gang, Constraints on primordial black holes in the mixed dark matter scenarios using the ratio (3He + D)/H. European Physical Journal C, 2023, 83(10): 934. (JCR二区)

[7] Fedorova, V. A. , Rodin, A. E. , Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Dong, Xiao-Fei, Li, Xiu-Juan, Li, Di, Wang, Pei, Zhang, Jun-Shuo, Huang, Yong-Feng, Xu, Fan. Observations of the Fast Radio Burst FRB 20220912A with the LPA LPI and Fast Radio Telescopes. Astronomy Reports, 2023, 67(10):970-978. (JCR四区)

[8] Zhang, Wen-Long, Li, Xiu-Juan, Yang, Yu-Peng, Yi, Shuang-Xi, Li, Cheng-Kui, Tang, Qing-Wen, Qin, Ying, Wang, Fa-Yin. RAA, 2023, 23(11):115013. (JCR四区)

[9] Xu. Fan, Huang, Yong-Feng, Geng, Jin-Jun, Wu, Xue-Feng, Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin. An analytic derivation of the empirical correlations of gamma-ray bursts. A&A, 2023, 673:A20. (JCR二区, Top)

[10] Wang, Qun, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Pan, Qing, Li, Xiu-Juan. Rebrightening properties of multi-wave band afterglows in GRBs associated with supernovae. IJMPD, 2023, 32(1):2250133. (JCR四区)

[11] Deng, Qi, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Li, Xiu-Juan, Chang, Heon-Young, Zhang, Xiao-Lu, Zhen, Hong-Yue, Sun, Hang, Pan, Qing, Dong, Xiao-Fei. Reclassifying Swift Gamma-Ray Burst with Diverse Duration Distributions. ApJ, 2022, 940(1):5. (JCR二区, Top)

[12] Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Zhang, Kai. Overall spectral properties of prompt emissions with diverse segments in Swift/BAT short gamma-ray bursts. A&A, 2022, 657:A124. (JCR二区, Top)

[13] Dong, Xiao-Fei, Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Zhang, Xiao-Lu. A comparative study of luminosity functions and event rate densities of long GRBs with non-parametric method. MNRAS, 2022, 513(1):1078-1087. (JCR二区, Top)

[14] Li, Xiu-Juan, Dong, Xiao-Fei, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Li, Di. Long and Short Fast Radio Bursts Are Different from Repeating and Nonrepeating Transients. ApJ, 2021, 923(2):230. (JCR二区, Top)

[15] Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Zhang, Xiao-Lu, Zhen, Hong-Yue. Temporal Properties of Precursors, Main Peaks, and Extended Emissions of Short GRBs in the Third Swift/BAT GRB Catalog. ApJS, 2021, 252(2):16. (JCR一区, Top)

[16] Zhang, Kai, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Huang,Yong-Feng, Song, Li-Ming, Zheng, Shi-Jie, Li, Xiu-Juan, Li, Di, Su, Fu-Fang. How Are Gamma-Ray Burst Radio Afterglows Populated? MNRAS, 2021, 503(3):3262-3278. (JCR二区, Top)

[17] Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Zhang, Chuan-Tao, Zhang, Kai, Zhang, Ying, Dong, Xiao-Fei. Properties of short GRB pulses in the fourth BATSE catalog: Implication for the structure and evolution of the jetted outflows. ApJ, 2020, 892(2):113. (JCR一区, Top)

[18] Zhang, Zhi-Bin, Jiang, Min, Zhang, Ying, Zhang, Kai, Li, Xiu-Juan, Zhang, Qian. On the Spectral Peak Energy of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts. ApJ, 2020, 902(1):40. (JCR一区, Top)

[19] Zhang, Xiao-Lu, Zhang, Chuan-Tao, Li, Xiu-Juan, Su, Fu-Fang, Dong, Xiao-Fei, Chang, Heon-Young, Zhang, Zhi-Bin. Gamma-ray bursts with extended emission: classifications, energy correlations and radiation properties.RAA, 2020, 20(12):201. (JCR二区)




关闭 打印责任编辑:范瑞红
